Well, hello there! As you can see, LaurieCoombs.org has a new look! Over the last month or so, I’ve been working closely with an amazing woman by the name of Hannah Beasley to come up with a new design for my blog, and here it is! Hannah was a pleasure to work with, and honestly I would recommend her to anyone looking for a designer. If you’re interested, she can be found on her website Hannah Rose Beasley Art & Design. If you’re receiving this post via email, you’re hopefully seeing a new look there as well, but if you’re not, it’ll be coming soon. Also, be sure to check out my new “Free Gifts” page as you’re sure to find some new printables that I designed to help you in your walk with the Lord. That’s about it for now. If you’d like, let me know what you think…
Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category
Happy Friday everyone! Normally, you would see a new post from me today, but this week has been my girls’ last week of school, and let me tell you, it’s been a busy one. Our week has been packed full of fun, end-of-the-year events. We’ve had a Kindergarten graduation, a super fun pirate party field trip, end of the year slideshows, and so much more which means that I had to take off my writer’s hat as my mommy hat remained securely in place all week long. Here’s a peek into what we’ve been up to: This afternoon, we’ll be kicking summer off with our first camping trip of the year! But I’ll be back next Tuesday and from there on out. Have a great weekend! Laurie
Lately, I’ve been thinking about how I can serve my readers better. On my blog (and throughout life), I strive to be transparent because I know that transparency is the only way to help others. Truly, if we are to be an encouragement to one another, we need to be real. We need to draw alongside one another knowing that none of us have it all together, recognizing that God has given each of us beautiful nuggets of truths that we can collectively benefit from, all of which spurs us on toward Christ-likeness. Following Jesus can be difficult at times (and anyone who tells you otherwise is either greatly deceived or hasn’t been walking with Jesus long). The truth is, we need each other. I am called to share my heart with you. I know this much. Yet, I’m still trying to figure out what that looks like and how…
Only take care, and keep your soul diligently, lest you forget the things that your eyes have seen, and lest they depart from your heart all the days of your life. Make them known to your children and your children’s children. – Deuteronomy 4:9 Anthony claimed he was a Christian at the time of the murder, and I had a real problem with this. As a non-Christian and even after coming to Christ, I didn’t understand how someone who professed faith in Jesus could do something like this. Doesn’t a sin of this magnitude disqualify you from being a Christian? You can’t claim to be a Christian and commit murder, I thought. Recently, however, when telling me about a book he was reading by Kyle Idleman called Not a Fan, Anthony said, “I wonder, had I not come to prison would I have stayed a fan of Jesus or become a follower?…
As I began writing this, a song came to mind. I have two little girls, and for a long time, they loved Veggie Tales, and they loved the song “God is Bigger Than the Boogie Man.” It’s a catchy tune. But in all seriousness, this truth was pivotal in my walk with God, and even now, I have to remind myself that God is bigger than whatever is going on in my life, and that I can trust Him with all that I have and all that I am. He’s bigger than my fears. He’s bigger than whatever situation I find myself in. He’s bigger than my past and my past hurts, as well as my past successes or failures. He’s bigger than my future and what trials or achievements may come. He’s bigger than my enemies. He’s bigger than Satan and evil. God is bigger than my sin and my…
A few weeks ago, the Holy Spirit challenged me with this: Have I been seeking God for what He can do for me or do I simply want Him? Ouch. Well, I think you can imagine what my answer was at the time. But it wasn’t always this way. When I was first saved (and for quite a while after) I was on fire for Jesus. I was seeking Him to know Him better. I was learning much about the character of God. I would pick up my Bible and simply devour every word, much like a novel you just can’t seem to put down. I couldn’t get enough of Him. I was thirsty. Thirsty for His Word. Thirsty for Him. He took me through some rough seasons. Taught me things beyond me. Things that blew my mind. He poured His grace upon my life. Allowed me to forgive the unforgivable…