
Archive for the ‘Spiritual Battle’ Category

Posted on: March 26th, 2014 by Laurie Coombs 3 Comments
The Darker Your Darkness Printable

This is an extremely rough post. It’s an unedited response I wrote to someone this morning, and felt the Spirit tell me to share it here. I, quite frankly, don’t have time this morning to go through and refine my prose, so I won’t because after all, that’s not what it’s all about. Email after email is pouring into my inbox. There are so many of you struggling right now, and I just don’t have the heart to hold this back for the sake of making it read better. Some of you need this now. Some of you are hanging on to your lifeline by a thread. So here it is. It’s not pretty, but here it is. On another note, my daughters are off for spring break for two weeks beginning next week, so I’ll be taking some time off with them. BUT, I will be posting scriptures that…

Posted on: March 19th, 2014 by Laurie Coombs 21 Comments
Anxiety, depression, depression help, anxiety help, physical anxiety, what is anxiety, what does anxiety look like, healing, God, Jesus, pit, anxiety and depression, how to find peace, peace, finding peace, Christian depression, Christian anxiety, trust, trusting God, fear, trials, hope, faith, salvation, coming to faith, getting out of depression, getting out of anxiety, cure for anxiety, cure for depression

It occurred to me the other day that I haven’t written much about anxiety and depression. If you’ve read some of my early posts, you know that I experienced severe anxiety and depression about five years back, which was ultimately what God used to bring me to Christ. Prior to this, I had been able to get through everything on my own, but I couldn’t seem to get myself out of this one. Honestly, I think God needed to present something to me that I had absolutely no control over for me to finally turn to Him. And though I would never want to return to this terrible place, I am thankful that God did what was necessary to bring me to Himself.    But it was such a horrible, dark place to be, and I didn’t know any other person who had been through what I was experiencing, which made…

Posted on: March 12th, 2014 by Laurie Coombs 4 Comments
satan, spiritual warfare, focus, God, Jesus, defeat satan, how to defeat satan, focus on Jesus, focus Jesus not satan, don't focus on satan

I freely admit there have been times when I have given Satan entirely way too much power by focusing on him and his latest attack rather than on God. It is true. Satan is real, he is our enemy, and he does attack God’s people. But our attention should not be directed toward him. Yes, we need to understand how Satan works and how to engage in spiritual warfare, for to completely ignore our enemy’s presence would be foolish, but it seems to me that there’s a difference between recognizing and protecting ourselves against attack and being consumed by a current or possible attack in the future. The human mind is incapable of focusing on two things at the same time, so in all actuality, when we focus on Satan, we take our focus off Jesus. But this will never do. We will never be able to defeat Satan by focusing on Satan….

Posted on: February 13th, 2014 by Laurie Coombs 3 Comments
God's strength, Holy Spirit, own strength, strength, receive, receiving, receiving God, God, Jesus, faith, giving, burn out, grace, god's grace, blessing, blessed, strength, depleted, empty,

“I feel depleted,” I told my husband. “I feel like Elijah laying under that broom tree.” Travis looked at me curiously. I didn’t pray to die as Elijah had, of course, but I was spent. Why is my tank so empty? I questioned. What am I doing wrong? I was serving, both my family and church, and was pursuing my calling. All good things, by my estimation––things I believed God was calling me to do, and so I was confused. Why am I so burnt out if I’m doing what I am supposed to be doing? The answer came. I was doing it in my own strength. I needed to learn how to receive God’s strength and to allow His Spirit to empower me for the work I was called to. This was perhaps the first time I had become aware of my need to receive. Learning to receive from God…

Posted on: January 28th, 2014 by Laurie Coombs 1 Comment
lessons, learn, spiritual growth, growth, character growth, Jesus, Christ, God, truth, season of growth, refined, refine, surrender, relationship with God, relationship with Jesus, receiving, God's love, love of God, Satan, Spiritual attack, worship, thanksgiving, praise, miracles, fasting, biblical fasting, sabbath, rest, weakness, impossible

God has had me in an intense season of growth over the last month or so. It has been a time of refinement through trial that started the moment I began praying for God to work absolute surrender in me. And though life has been a bit more difficult lately, I have been blessed greatly during this time by the presence of God and by an outpouring of truths He has spoken over me. Last week, I began compiling a list of all God has spoken over me during this season, and as I did, I felt compelled to share the list with you. Some of you may have learned these truths already; others may be learning these truths along with me. But either way, I believe these truths are powerful. So, no matter where you find yourself, I ask that you take these truths in and contemplate them. Pray for God to…

Posted on: January 23rd, 2014 by Laurie Coombs
lifeboat, God, Jesus, Storms, storms of life, God's love, the love of God, love of God, God loves you, does god love me, God is with you, You are his, receive love, focus, what is your focus, focal point, how to endure storms, how to endure trials, how to endure pain, getting through, peace, how to find peace, get peace, keep yourself in God's love, faith, stay in love of god, remain in love, abide in Jesus, abide in God, occupation, think of God, love,

You are loved. With a love unmatched and unparalleled by anything else. With a love incomprehensible to the human mind. A love so great, so unfathomable that many will never fully comprehend its depth this side of heaven. In the book of Isaiah, God tell of His love for us. God speaks these words over you, over me, as an affectionate Father whispers I love you in the quiet, intimate moments before lying his child to sleep. He says: But now thus says the Lord, He who created you, O Jacob, He who formed you, O Israel: “Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are Mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; when you walk through fire you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you. For I am the Lord your…

Posted on: January 21st, 2014 by Laurie Coombs 1 Comment
Maretha Retief

I first became acquainted with Maretha Retief, a native of South Africa, a few months ago when she contacted me to share her incredible story. Born with a disability yet having overcome many obstacles in her life, Maretha has become intimately acquainted with what Paul wrote to the church in Corinth when he said, “For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong.” A lesson I am still in the process of learning. Maretha’s testimony is one we all can learn from. It speaks to perseverance, overcoming hardship, and living a life fully submitted to the will of God. So, without further introduction, here is Maretha’s story.  I was born with only a pinkie and a thumb on my left hand. A disability that did not escape the eyes of God. He came and took something that…

Posted on: December 17th, 2013 by Laurie Coombs 8 Comments
believing God, power of holy spirit, Jesus, Christ, Christian, God, call, calling, follow, trust, trusting, faith, surrender, surrendering, surrendering to God, surrendering your life to Jesus, absolute surrender, complete surrender, how to surrender, surrender your will, self will, god's will, human will, offering

I thought I had surrendered to God, but it turns out, I haven’t. At least not completely. I seem to be living out the early stages of God’s call on my life. Every day I wake up, I pray for God to use me and for God to show me the way with willing intent to following His lead, which is why I honestly thought I was living a life surrendered to God. But recently, God has made it clear that my level of surrender is not absolute. Up to this point, I have surrendered only in part. Though I stand willing to do that which God calls me to do, I still want control over my time and how it’s allocated. I must confess; I am not very interruptible. I’ve noticed this before, but it’s become increasingly clear over the past week as certain situations have challenged me to…

Posted on: December 12th, 2013 by Laurie Coombs 7 Comments
Jesus, die to self, die to live, Romans 12:1-2, deny yourself, take up your cross, Matthew 16, true life, my life is not my own, spiritual growth, surrender, surrendering to God, Jesus, God's will, not my will, weights and sins, 1 Corinthians 6:12

Then Jesus told His disciples, “If anyone would come after Me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow Me. For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it.  – Matthew 16:24-25 I pray for growth––revival. My heart feels stale, and I know I am not where I ought to be. My desire is for the Lord, this has not changed, but a barrier––invisible to the eye but felt in the spirit––stands erect. I want passion and fire to consume every part of my being, as it once had––but it doesn’t. Months go by, and my prayer remain the same. Awaken. Oh, my soul, awaken. I still see glory, as only found in Jesus, but glory has not taken residence within my heart for some time and coldness seems to endure. Joy in the Lord and even passion are present in moments––fleeting moments––but…

Posted on: October 29th, 2013 by Laurie Coombs 7 Comments

At some point during your faith walk, doubts will come. I’m convinced no one is immune to doubt. “Maybe there is no God,” you may think. “Maybe this whole ‘faith thing’ is just a product of wishful thinking.” Or maybe you don’t doubt your faith in God but think, “Maybe God doesn’t love me.” Or, “Maybe God doesn’t work miracles or speak to us as He did in the Bible.” When doubt strikes, it seems to come, quite literally, out of no where. Doubt is never settling. In fact, it’s quite startling. But I, honestly, don’t believe doubt is the enemy that it appears to be. Doubt in and of itself is not sinful. And in fact, doubt can serve us well because, after all, a faith challenged––a faith questioned––is a stronger faith in the end. The story of the gospel is a powerful one, one that holds the power to transform lives,…