
Archive for the ‘Redemption’ Category

Posted on: May 6th, 2013 by Laurie Coombs
relationship with jesus, what is a relationship with jesus, relationship with god, Romans 8:28, Salvation, save, jesus, jesus saves, how does jesus save, grace, by faith through grace, stabbed with a pencil, stab with pencil, daughter, prayer of salvation, sin, faith, following jesus, forgiveness, redemption, saying yes to god, bad news good news, redeemer, murder, forgiveness, christian, christ, forgiveness testimony, forgiveness story, inspirational stories, gods grace, prayer,

Last Thursday began like most days. Toward the end of my quiet time with Jesus, my girls came into my bedroom in all their morning cuteness, blurry-eyed and hair a fright. We cuddled together for a moment before beginning our morning routine of showering, dressing, and the like. My girls usually finish getting ready before I do, so they ran downstairs, busying themselves with coloring and drawing in the kitchen. Moments later, however, I heard Avery, my younger daughter, yell, “Mom, Ella poked me with a pencil!” To which Ella replied, “But it wasn’t very hard!” Really?!? I thought. It was all going so well. Turns out, Ella intentionally “poked” or stabbed (to be more exact) Avery with a pencil. Not okay in my book. But after disciplining Ella, we had a serious talk about hurting others. Ella is seven. Up to this point, we have taught her about Jesus, we’ve talked…

Posted on: April 25th, 2013 by Laurie Coombs 1 Comment
true forgiveness, real forgiveness, what is forgiveness, how do we forgive, how do I forgive, forgive, forgave, inspirational forgiveness stories, forgiveness story, forgiveness stories, christian forgiveness, christian, christ, jesus, god, unconditional forgiveness, what is forgiveness, how do i forgive, forgiveness through jesus, we are forgiven, forgiven, fear, what would be found, soul work, digging, excavate, restore, following jesus, forgiveness, grace, healing, hope, lessons learned, loss, obey god, obedience to god, redemption, root, pick yourself up by your bootstraps, bootstraps, murder, murderer, i forgive you, i forgave him, i forgive, move toward forgiveness, how do you forgive, forgive and forget, christian forgiveness testimony, call to forgive, real forgiveness, only through jesus, jesus makes forgiveness possible, do we need jesus to forgive, do i need jesus to forgive, do i need god to forgive, how does god help me forgive, help me forgive, receiving, unforgiveness, prayer, prayerfully, heart, seek god, forgiveness sets you free, sets you free, forgiveness begins with prayer, who do you need to forgive

I had a feeling something was still there. Some residual scarring caused by my dad’s murder. In a way, I wanted to go there. Get it all out. Heal completely. But at the same time, I feared what would be found. I sure hope I’m not really screwed up, I thought. But I knew some soul work needed to be done. Digging would have to take place. And the root of whatever was left behind would have to be excavated and restored. I tried to do this on my own for nine years after Dad died. I tried to “pick myself up by my bootstraps” and move on, reasoning that Dad would have wanted it this way. He wouldn’t want me to succumb to the wave of despair that threatened to swallow me whole. So, I moved on. Each time the thought of Anthony came into my mind, I chose…

Posted on: April 1st, 2013 by Laurie Coombs 2 Comments
John 3:36, God is a God of new beginnings, new beginnings, new, I am new, what does it mean to be born again, do over, mulligan, we are loved, love, loved, loves, God loves you, does god love me, Margaret feinberg, 40 day bible reading challenge, bible reading, bible reading plan, god's truths, truth, what is truth, what is true, soul, Jesus, God, Father, god the father, god the son, reading the bible, why should i read the bible, what's the bible about whats the bible about, story of the bible, redeem, redemption, redeemed, faithful, god is faithful, heart, sally lloyd jones, jesus storybook bible, god's story, why easter, what's the meaning behind easter, rebel, rebellion, sin, i will be your god, you will be my people, bible love affair, jesus died, why did jesus die, what's the point of jesus dying, god provided a way, life, death, resurrection, hopelessness, depression, why live, what's the point of life, what is the meaning of life, follow me, show the way, calvary, cross, nailed to the cross, new beginnings, free gift of salvation, salvation, saved, why do i need jesus, why do i need to be saved, receive Christ, mercy, grace, love, hope, peace, take hold of God's promises.

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. – John 3:16 No doubt about it. We are loved. Truly loved, despite all our shortcomings. The Feinberg Challenge Over the last 40 days of Lent, leading up to Easter, I joined Margaret Feinberg (along with thousands of other Christ followers), in her 40-Day Bible Reading Challenge. Together we read through the Bible. Yep. The whole thing.  Honestly, it was crazy, but it was amazing at the same time! Beginning in Genesis and ending with Revelation, we read an average of 30 chapters a day (though I’m a day behind, so I’ll be finishing up today). When first presented with all this craziness, I was intrigued, but I didn’t think I could do it. After all, I have children who need their mommy and a husband who needs his wife, but God…

Posted on: March 23rd, 2013 by Laurie Coombs 5 Comments

In this brief video, I speak about how Jesus led me toward emotional healing from my past.  Healing only came once I surrendered myself completely to Jesus and allowed Him complete access to my pain. Be sure to watch to hear about how Jesus brought me greater understanding which led to healing. Healing Comes With Greater Understanding from Laurie Coombs on Vimeo. {Greater understanding of the situations in our past can lead us toward healing.} Question: Has Jesus healed you emotionally from your past? What was your experience? Share in the comments.

Posted on: March 18th, 2013 by Laurie Coombs 7 Comments
Ephesians 4, Ephesians 4:26-27, Ephesians 4:26, Ephesians 4:27, no sin is justified, no sin is justifiable, we cannot justify sin, justify, justice, justifiable, sin, laurie coombs, reason why sin, why do we sin, what is sin, unforgiveness, idolatry, sin anger, do not sin in your anger, be angry, anger management, why am i so angry, how do i not sin, how to be a better mom, how to be better, feelings, what do we do with feelings, murder, murderer, letters murderer, justify murderer, reasons why sin, reason, reasons, crime, victim, help for victims, how do i forgive, forgive, forgiveness, forgave, forgiving, forgiving the unforgivable, unforgiveness, unforgivable, apology, heal, healing, heal from past, wounds, past wounds, past hurts, Jesus, God, Christ, Christian, change heart, is it possible to change, how do i change, jesus changes us. self loathing, self hatred, christian forgiveness testimony, forgiveness testimony, testimony,

Be angry and do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger, and give no opportunity to the devil. – Ephesians 4:26-27 There is always a reason behind the sins we commit. There is a reason I sometimes lose it and yell at my kids. There is a reason I find myself rooting through my pantry, looking for something to fill me (though I’m not hungry), when I should be going to Jesus to be filled instead. And there was a reason I stood in condemnation of Anthony, the man who murdered my dad, unable to forgive him for a decade. Honestly, there are times when the reasons behind our sins seem legitimate. Sometimes our kids need to be disciplined. Sometimes we need to be filled. Sometimes we have been wronged. The feelings we feel are legitimate. Sometimes, for example, we should be angry about the sins and…

Posted on: March 11th, 2013 by Laurie Coombs 8 Comments
Romans 3:23, you are no better than him, you are no better, you are not better than her, letter, letters from a murderer, murder, murderer, repentant murderer, repent, repentant, judging, judge, do not judge, lest you be judged, rebuke, the Lord rebuke, I am no better than the man who murdered my dad, i am no better, I am not better, worldly truth vs biblical truth, we are all sinners, in need of god, in need of jesus, we need jesus, we need god, god, jesus, christ, christian, god shows no partiality, need grace, need mercy, why do we need grace, amazing grace, repentant sinner, moses, david, saul, paul, moses murder, moses led, egypt , slaves, slavery, bathsheba, david murder, paul murder, paul kill christians, 1 corinthians 1:26-29, 1 corinthians, 1 corinthians 1:26, 1 corinthians 1:27, 1 corinthians 1:28, 1 corinthians 1:29, beggars before christ, poor in spirit, redemption, clean, washed clean, scandal behind forgiveness, forgive, forgiveness, forgave, biblical forgiveness, what does forgiveness look like, no distinction, judge not

…all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God – Romans 3:23 You are no better than him, I felt the Lord say to me. I was taken by surprise. Stunned, really. I had just gotten another letter from Anthony, the man who murdered my dad. I was angry and was contemplating what Anthony wrote, while crying out to God, How could he? How could he think that? Why doesn’t he see the truth? Who does he think he is? Then came the rebuke, You are no better than him. I fell silent and was put in my place, instantly. All my judgement, all my condemnation came to an immediate and abrupt stop, and I knew––I am no better than the man who murdered my own dad. [Tweet that] It was a difficult truth to swallow. Truths like these don’t usually sit well. Perhaps it’s because we’re listening to the world,…

Posted on: March 3rd, 2013 by Laurie Coombs
2 Corinthians 5:17, testimony, Christian testimonies, testimonies, Christian, how to become a christian, how do i become a christian, proof of grace, evidences of god's grace, love your enemy, loving your enemy, how do i love my enemy, how do you love your enemy, forgiveness, correspondence with my dad's murderer, murder, the man who murdered my dad, murdered, victim, writing, i am different now. you are different now, is it possible to change, is change possible, a new creation, i am a new creation, thankful for grace, new creation, the old has passed away, the new has come, live by the spirit, the holy spirit, God, Jesus, Christ, empowers us, what does the holy spirit do, the spirit of God, new nature, love, forgive, forgiveness, forgave, how do you forgive, how do i forgive, forgiving the unforgivable, evangelism, evangelize, mission, missionary, how to be a missionary, how to be missional, this is how I want to live,

While at a holiday party a few months ago, I ran into an old friend I hadn’t seen in quite some time. We were roommates in college (while Travis and I were dating) and were living together at the time of my dad’s death. He knew me pretty well back then, but after graduating from college, we saw each other only occasionally and lost touch. I sat down next to him at the party, and before I knew it, he asked me about my writing. “I heard you’re writing,” he said. “What do you write about?” The last time I talked with him, I wasn’t even a Christian yet (nor is he a Christian now). I knew my answer would not be what he’d expect. I told him how I became a Christian. How I was given the proof and grace I needed to believe in Jesus. And how Jesus…

Posted on: February 28th, 2013 by Laurie Coombs 11 Comments
forgive, Romans 4:7-8, Romans 4, Romans 4:7, Psalm 32:1, forgiveness, unforgiveness, how do you forgive, why do we forgive, to love, to forgive, to seek the lost, seek the fallen, how can God forgive, how can God forgive murder, does God forgive me, does God forgive murder, does God forgive rape, Does God forgive sin, why is sin so bad, die to self, forgiving is hard, forgiveness is hard, forgiveness is difficult, forgiveness dims light, it starts with forgiveness, why do we need to forgive, I forgive you, how to forgive someone, forgiving someone, forgiving the unforgivable, forgiving the inexcusable, murder, forgive murder, how do you forgive murder, how do you forgive your offender, forgiving your offender, forgiving sins, taking forgiveness for granted, 1 John 1:9, God is faithful to forgive, forgiveness of God, God's forgiveness, why do we need to be forgiven by God, why do we need forgiveness, why do we need to be forgiven, Matthew 6:14, confess our sins, the cost of forgiveness, we are able to forgive because God forgave us, Christ on cross, Jesus died on the cross, why did Jesus have to die, why did Jesus have to die on the cross, forgiveness, true forgiveness, relationship with God, relationship with Jesus, What is a relationship with God, what is a relationship with Jesus, Lord, Savior, I want to have a relationship with Jesus, I want Jesus to be my savior, judge not, judging others, I am angry about my past, anger about past, I want to know God, I want to know Jesus,

The latest letter arrived from prison a couple days ago. Anthony, the man who murdered my dad, said, “I sent you something I wrote, I feel God has placed this on my heart. I hope it’s something you’d consider putting on your blog.” And to that, I say, “absolutely.” God has allowed both Anthony and I the opportunity to share this story with many. I believe it’s a story that needs to be heard, for there are many who remain chained to their past, to their resentment, their bitterness, and their lack of forgiveness. Forgiveness is a topic that will always resound in each of our hearts, mine included. It is so easy to hold on to our wounds, but what relief it is to finally let them go. [Tweet that] So, without further adieu. Here’s a word from Anthony. … “I forgive you.” I read the words again. “I forgive…

Posted on: February 11th, 2013 by Laurie Coombs 4 Comments
children, Jesus, Christ, God, Christian, answering the tough questions, redeem, redemption, question, grandpa, dad, answer, murder, murdered, tragedy, family tragedy, talking to kids about tragedy, talking to kids about trials, talking to kids about tough issues, truth,

This weekend, my girls asked me how my dad died. I knew this question would come at some point, and I suppose now is as good a time as any. But it’s still a crummy thing to have to tell your children. My dad died five years before my oldest daughter was born. Neither one ever knew him. They know he is my daddy. They know he is Grandpa, but I can’t help but feel that he’s only that guy in the pictures Mommy talks to them about. I hope I’ve given them a sense of who He was, and that he would have loved them. But it’s difficult for children to “get” something like that. He would have been an amazing grandpa. I was cooking dinner when the conversation came up. “How did he die?” Ella, my seven year old, asked. I’m a strong believer in telling my children the truth….

Posted on: January 31st, 2013 by Laurie Coombs 3 Comments
impossible, possible, God, Jesus, Christ, Christian, Christianity, following Jesus, follow, with God all things are possible, Jesus is what you need, jesus is your answer, hope, peace, salvation, trials, suffering, pain, loss, forgive, forgiveness, Christian forgiveness, why do we forgive, luke 18:27, prayer journal, Jesus is your answer,

But he said, “What is impossible with man is possible with God.” – Luke 18:27 When we follow Jesus, He accomplishes the impossible. [Tweet that] Lord, I pray for Anthony. Help him. Have your will be done in his life, and please, Lord, if he is truly a Christian let him be used by you in prison to turn lives around for your glory. Let him gather your people to you in prison! Lord, help him truly submit to you and your will and help him to be a true strong believer who turns from evil to your light. – My prayer journal, May 2010 I prayed this prayer often as I began correspondence with Anthony, the man who murdered my dad. I prayed for Anthony to come to true repentance. For him to be brought to his knees and to transform him into a strong man of God who gained…