
Archive for the ‘Loss’ Category

Posted on: January 31st, 2013 by Laurie Coombs 3 Comments
impossible, possible, God, Jesus, Christ, Christian, Christianity, following Jesus, follow, with God all things are possible, Jesus is what you need, jesus is your answer, hope, peace, salvation, trials, suffering, pain, loss, forgive, forgiveness, Christian forgiveness, why do we forgive, luke 18:27, prayer journal, Jesus is your answer,

But he said, “What is impossible with man is possible with God.” – Luke 18:27 When we follow Jesus, He accomplishes the impossible. [Tweet that] Lord, I pray for Anthony. Help him. Have your will be done in his life, and please, Lord, if he is truly a Christian let him be used by you in prison to turn lives around for your glory. Let him gather your people to you in prison! Lord, help him truly submit to you and your will and help him to be a true strong believer who turns from evil to your light. – My prayer journal, May 2010 I prayed this prayer often as I began correspondence with Anthony, the man who murdered my dad. I prayed for Anthony to come to true repentance. For him to be brought to his knees and to transform him into a strong man of God who gained…

Posted on: December 20th, 2012 by Laurie Coombs 2 Comments
a very real help, blood, Christ, Christian, Jesus, God, discharge of blood, jesus will help you, how to find peace, peace, finding peace, finding healing, reach to Jesus, pressing through the crowd, you need help, how to find help, i need help, who can help me, hope finding hope, looking for help, who can help me, if only, jesus is the answer, healed, who touched me jesus, power has gone out form me, jesus is the answer, we fail to see jesus is the answer, jesus is the answer, we need jesus, edge of garment, faith, following jesus, fringe of garment, edge of garment, heal, healing, help, peace, presence of god, come to jesus, coming to jesus, as you come to him, what does coming to jesus mean, what does coming to jesus look like, press through, unclean, woman, woman with discharge of blood

There is an account found in three out of the four gospels. It is the story of a woman who endured a discharge of blood for twelve years. One thing we must understand is that a condition such as this rendered the woman “unclean.” She would have been a lonely woman, devoid of touch or much companionship at all. Come with me for a moment and imagine…. You are this woman. You cannot touch others, and others cannot touch you. You’re outcasted. Desperate, you spend all your financial resources going to doctors. One after another. But they’re no help. Instead of seeing improvement, you only worsen. Can you relate to this woman in any way? Quite possibly, in some area of your life, you need help. You seek help––help that promises a solution to your problem––only to find yourself right where you began, or perhaps even behind a step or…

Posted on: December 17th, 2012 by Laurie Coombs 3 Comments
Sandy Hook Shooting, Psalm 34:18, Connecticut shooting, anger, angry, how do we respond, connecticut school shooting, elementary school shooting, God, Jesus, Christ, Christian, forgiveness, victim, grief, helping victims, how to help those who grieve, how do you help those who are grieving, loss, murder, newtown shooting, newton connecticut shooting, school shooting, shooting, tragedy, victim, victim's family, ministering to those hurting, ministering,

The LORD is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit. – Psalm 34:18 What do we do when 20 little children and 7 adults are slaughtered before our eyes? How do we respond? No words of mine will ever do justice to this tragedy. To say it was a heinous act is an understatement. Terrible. Wicked. Evil. Horrific. None encapsulate the gravity of what has happened. Having been on the receiving end of tragic news, I still have no words of comfort for those affected by this tragedy. To tell them I know what they’re going through can oftentimes be a slap in the face. I remember many––with good intentions––tried to comfort and console me after my dad’s murder with their own stories of loss. I hate to admit this, but those who attempted to comfort me in this way only made me angry. They don’t know what I’m…

Posted on: November 15th, 2012 by Laurie Coombs 2 Comments

I was a daddy’s girl at heart. When I was a little girl, I thought my family was perfect and my dad hung the moon, himself. There are so many memories. I remember when I was little, my brother, sister, and I would each vie for our turn to be lifted into the air by Dad. “My turn! My turn!” we’d yell. Dad would lay on his back, arms bent and hands flat on the ground. “Hop on!” He’d say with a smile. When it was my turn, there was always a feeling of nervous excitement as I stepped on his hands. “Strong belly,” he’d say, “balance!” as he slowly hoisted me up in the air. He’d take me as high as he could, before I’d lose my balance and fall the short distance to the ground. I remember learning to snow ski in the Sierra Nevadas. My skies in…