
Archive for the ‘Hope’ Category

Posted on: November 26th, 2013 by Laurie Coombs 2 Comments
thankful heart, Thanksgiving, thanks, thankful, grace, God, Jesus, Christ, Christianity, joy, finding joy, how to find joy, how to have joy, how do you have joy, how can i be happy, how to be happy, grace of God, gifts, number gifts, Ann Voskamp, One Thousand Gifts, th

There seems to be a direct correlation between the level of joy we experience and our level of thanksgiving. And I’ve come to believe being thankful is something we must deliberately purse. After reading One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp, I came to realize that we must fight for joy through deliberate recognition of God’s grace upon our lives. Ann encourages others to begin to list each and every grace, or gift, seen in our lives and in the world around us. We must list our gifts so we might properly recognize them. You see, we live in a broken, sinful world––there is much darkness to be seen. And it seems the darkness––with all that is wrong in and around us––is sometimes much easier to recognize than the light. But light shines ever-so-brightly upon every one of us. It’s there––always present, but in order to recognize it, we must train our eyes…

Posted on: November 21st, 2013 by Laurie Coombs 2 Comments
Can Jesus Redeem

I’ve been finishing my book proposal this week, and it’s almost done, which means it should go out to publishers within the next few weeks! It’s super exciting; I’m just so close, which is why I chose to focus most of my attention on my proposal this week. And it is also why today’s post is a repeat, of sorts. I originally wrote this piece for another blogger as a guest post a while back. Some of you may have seen it, but most probably haven’t, so I hope you enjoy and are blessed by it. I’ll be back with all new posts next week. Thirteen years ago, I sat on top of a houseboat next to my dad watching the sun set behind the towering canyon walls of Lake Powell. Dad half-heartedly joked about how he was getting older, and I was sure to poke fun at his old age. I…

Posted on: November 14th, 2013 by Laurie Coombs 2 Comments
works of god, wonders, do you believe god, wonders of god, Salvation, Matthew 13:58, James 2:19, Hebrews 13:8, Belief in God, Believing God, Believing in God, God is same yesterday today forever, who is God, what does God do, miracles, miracle worker, God, Jesus, Bible, Scripture, faith,

And [Jesus] did not do many mighty works there, because of their unbelief. – Matthew 13:58 We serve a mighty God. A God who still performs miracles in this world. But do we believe it? God has been inundating my world with one message, lately––BELIEVE ME!  Not believe in Me, but believe Me. What would happen if we were to believe God more? It seems many Christians today––myself, at times, numbered among them––merely believe in God and fail to believe God. And there is quite a difference there. Believing in God means we simply believe God is who He says He is. It’s believing in Jesus, the One sent by God the Father to die for our sins. But is that enough? Possibly. It may be enough to obtain salvation. But maybe not, for we’re told, “Even the demons believe—and shudder!” (James 2:19). So, maybe it’s not enough. But here’s the thing,…

Posted on: October 31st, 2013 by Laurie Coombs 4 Comments
control, God, sovereign, Jesus, Christ, Christian, trials, God loves you, control freak, letting go, letting go of control, surrender, surrendering, surrendering to jesus, surrendering to god, surrender to jesus, surrender to god, there is no god, what if there is no god, trust, trusting, trusting jesus, trusting god, christ followers, following jesus, saying yes to god, anxiety, keep it together, keeping it together, bionic woman, manipulative, prideful, burden, murder, murderer, proverbs 3:5-6, walk by faith,

Early on in my walk with God, my friend, Nicole, sent an encouraging word to me as I wrestled with surrendering myself to God. She said, “How hard it is to surrender it all to [Jesus] and let go of all we hold on to, but how powerful our lives can be when we do just that.” She’s right, I thought. Surrendering myself wholly to Jesus was a difficult transition for me. And when I’m being completely honest with myself, I recognize that I still struggle in this area––though by the grace of God, it’s to a much lesser extent. Before becoming a Christian, I was quite controlling. Everything in my life was controlled by me. I was the one in charge. I was the one who made the decisions. And I, certainly, had a way of getting what I wanted. I mostly used kindness and charm to influence others,…

Posted on: October 29th, 2013 by Laurie Coombs 7 Comments

At some point during your faith walk, doubts will come. I’m convinced no one is immune to doubt. “Maybe there is no God,” you may think. “Maybe this whole ‘faith thing’ is just a product of wishful thinking.” Or maybe you don’t doubt your faith in God but think, “Maybe God doesn’t love me.” Or, “Maybe God doesn’t work miracles or speak to us as He did in the Bible.” When doubt strikes, it seems to come, quite literally, out of no where. Doubt is never settling. In fact, it’s quite startling. But I, honestly, don’t believe doubt is the enemy that it appears to be. Doubt in and of itself is not sinful. And in fact, doubt can serve us well because, after all, a faith challenged––a faith questioned––is a stronger faith in the end. The story of the gospel is a powerful one, one that holds the power to transform lives,…

Posted on: October 24th, 2013 by Laurie Coombs 3 Comments
Murder, kidnapping, kidnap, story, testimony, forgiveness, God, god's protection,

Today’s post was written by Donna Weisser, a woman who contacted me recently after having read one of my posts. She has quite a powerful story to share with us about how God has used and redeemed a tragic incident that resulted in her kidnapping and her husband’s murder. I believe this story is only in its infancy, and I am certain God will continue to use Donna’s testimony further, for her good and His glory. Thank you, Donna, for sharing such a painful, yet encouraging message with us all.  … As I drove home from work on June 4, 2012, my heart was joyful. There were only 2 more days of school, and then I would be off for the summer and have more time to spend with my husband and my Father who had been hospitalized in May due to a broken back as a result of a fall. I entered into…

Posted on: October 22nd, 2013 by Laurie Coombs
do you believe god, believing god, God, Jesus, Christ, god is same, god is unchanging, god does not change, why did you doubt, doubt, doubt faith, faith, faith move mountains, Peter walk on water, walk on water, God heals, god miracles, god still does miracles, faith power,

Peter, one of Jesus’ apostles, walked on water––though it was only for a little while. Peter had faith. Enough faith, in fact, to believe Jesus would enable him to do the impossible. Yet, Peter’s great faith wained quickly. “He saw the wind” we’re told, and fear trumped faith as he began to sink (Matthew 14:30). Peter cried out to Jesus, “Lord, save me” (14:30). And Jesus did, “saying to him, ‘O you of little faith, why did you doubt?’” (14:31). Why did you doubt? Peter is known for quick bursts of great faith that would often slowly dissipate into doubt. And I wonder, how many of us are just like Peter? Just as the apostles cried out to Jesus, “Increase our faith!” so too, we should cry (Luke 17:5). We need great faith––a resurgence of faith. Every one of us. We need, quite simply, to BELIEVE GOD. We need to believe that He is, in fact, who…

Posted on: October 17th, 2013 by Laurie Coombs 5 Comments
Pray For the Impossible

My girls are off this week for fall break, so I’m taking the time to be with them. Today’s post has been recycled, so to speak, but it’s still new to this site. Just like Tuesday’s post, I originally wrote this one back in 2012 to be a guest post for a friend. I hope you enjoy it! And I’ll be back next week with all new posts. Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you. – Matthew 5:44 Three and a half years ago, the Holy Spirit challenged me with this scripture. Love your enemy. This is a difficult command, and when confronted with it, I could think of only one person––Anthony, the man who murdered my dad. Jesus was calling me to love my enemy, and one of the only insights I had on how to do this was to pray. So, out of obedience, I began to pray. I prayed good…

Posted on: October 15th, 2013 by Laurie Coombs 2 Comments
Go, God, God is holding you, god is with you, i am with you, Matthew 7:13, anxiety, fear, trusting god, saying yes to god, faith, following Jesus, Jesus, God, Christ, Christian

My girls are off this week for fall break, so I’m taking the time to be with them. Today’s post has been recycled, so to speak, but it’s still new to this site. I originally wrote it back in 2012 to be a guest post for a friend. I hope you enjoy it! And I’ll be back next week with all new posts. My daughter, Avery, busied herself in our home office while I was getting things done around the house. She was four, at the time, and she had no idea I was wrestling with God. As I worked, my mind was flooded with thoughts, inundated with worry. Avery came running into the kitchen where I was cleaning counter tops. “Mommy, Mommy!” She cried, with excitement. “I have something for you! Here!” I bent down and took the little card my sweet child made for me. Not expecting the message I…

Posted on: October 8th, 2013 by Laurie Coombs 2 Comments
autumn, fall, leaves, die, death, beauty, beauty death, life comes through death, beauty in death, Jesus, Christ, Jesus die, why did jesus die, John 12:24-25, loves life loses it, hates life keeps it, fortune cookie, seed die to have life, seed, die to self, christ at center,

Autumn is a favorite time of year for many. Breathtaking colors––vibrant reds, yellows, and oranges––saturate our once-green world for a short time before life gives way to death. It’s beautiful, really. But what’s even more beautiful are the truths exemplified through this process. Truth is, beauty can be found even in death. Scripture tells us we will be given beauty for our ashes. Even in death, Christ followers are promised life. This is why Jesus had to die––to bring us life. True life comes through death. [Tweet that] Jesus told us––as He willingly walked toward the cross, knowing the fate that awaited Him––that “unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit. Whoever loves his life loses it, and whoever hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life” (John 12:24-25, emphasis mine). Jesus was referring to His own death…