
Archive for the ‘Hope’ Category

Posted on: September 11th, 2012 by Laurie Coombs 9 Comments

One of my favorite phrases in the bible is “but God.” It may seem silly, I know, but I have it posted on my lamp beside my bed. It helps me to remember where God found me, and that I can trust Him no matter what situation may arise. We so quickly forget what God has shown us, what He has done, but this is something I always want to remember. Something I must remember. My girls are beginning to read and are becoming increasingly aware of the words they find around them. One morning not long ago, my older daughter asked me why I have these two words written on a post-it, haphazardly stuck to my lamp, and I told her this: “all through the bible there are things that happen––people sin or something goes wrong––but over and over there are two words that make it all better, ‘but…

Posted on: September 7th, 2012 by Laurie Coombs 2 Comments

I am well aware of the fact that we’ve been dealing with some pretty heavy stuff so far. But I’d like to encourage you to hang in there. Don’t let the weightiness of these difficult topics deter you from the blessings that awaits you on the other side of forgiveness. To be completely honest, healing is hard work. It’s painful. It requires you to go to the hard places––to the deepest darkest crevices of your soul––and to allow Jesus to mine out that darkness and replace it with His light. This is no easy feat. It hurts, but beauty is left behind when we allow Jesus full and complete access to our wounds, our walls, our pain. Oh, how I love our God! As mentioned before, I am no expert, and I too, find myself struggling with forgiveness from time to time, but the Lord has taught me much on…

Posted on: September 5th, 2012 by Laurie Coombs

Today, I am blessed to be sharing a bit of my story on the blog Simply Me. Be sure to stop by Simply Me and see my new friend, Veronica, as she explores being content in who God made us to be. Many gems can be found in Veronica’s posts! If you’re visiting my site from Simply Me. I’m glad you’re here! And I hope you’ll enjoy, explore, and stay a while… Blessings to you all!

Posted on: August 27th, 2012 by Laurie Coombs 1 Comment
God, Jesus, Christ, Christian, Christian forgiveness, forgiveness, forgiveness story, forgiveness stories, inspirational forgiveness stories, inspirational forgiveness testimonies, Biblical forgiveness, Colossians 3:13, forgiveness is not an option, forgiveness is a command, Sermon on the mount, matthew 6:14-15, Matthew 6:14, Matthew 6:15, God's heart, the heart of God, why does god have all these rules, why does god have rules, why does god have laws, love, god's love, commands, commandments, god knows best, follow jesus, following jesus, obey, obedience, obey god, for our good, glory of god, healing, heal, lay down our pride, pride, strength to forgive, how do you forgive, how do i forgive, why do i forgive, why do i need to forgive, decision to forgive, decide to forgive,

As explored in Why We Forgive – Part 1, we are called to forgive because we have been forgiven. In respect to forgiveness, God simply asks us to give that which He so graciously gave us. And that’s just it. God asks us to forgive, which means that forgiveness is not an option. [Tweet that] Colossians 3:13 says, “as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive.” It’s a command. Jesus tells us during His Sermon on the Mount, For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses. – Matthew 6:14-15 While this command may seem harsh, we need to look at the heart of God to gain understanding. We know God is not just loving, but that––as the bible says––God is love. That’s simply who He is. It’s part of His character….