And he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” And he said to him, “Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise.” (Jesus speaking to the criminal being crucified with Him.) – Luke 23:42-43 “In this life we will never be perfect,” wrote Anthony, the man who murdered my dad, “but in the one to come, you and I will be brother and sister, as much as you may hate that now.” It was a difficult truth to swallow. But I knew Anthony was right. In God’s economy, murderers and rapists will stand worshipping before the throne of Jesus alongside every other Christ follower. Indeed, God’s ways are not our own. Christ died for all who place their faith in Him––murderers and homeschooling moms alike. This is why the doctrine of grace offends many. In church a couple weeks ago, my pastor said something…
Archive for September, 2012
One of my favorite phrases in the bible is “but God.” It may seem silly, I know, but I have it posted on my lamp beside my bed. It helps me to remember where God found me, and that I can trust Him no matter what situation may arise. We so quickly forget what God has shown us, what He has done, but this is something I always want to remember. Something I must remember. My girls are beginning to read and are becoming increasingly aware of the words they find around them. One morning not long ago, my older daughter asked me why I have these two words written on a post-it, haphazardly stuck to my lamp, and I told her this: “all through the bible there are things that happen––people sin or something goes wrong––but over and over there are two words that make it all better, ‘but…
I am well aware of the fact that we’ve been dealing with some pretty heavy stuff so far. But I’d like to encourage you to hang in there. Don’t let the weightiness of these difficult topics deter you from the blessings that awaits you on the other side of forgiveness. To be completely honest, healing is hard work. It’s painful. It requires you to go to the hard places––to the deepest darkest crevices of your soul––and to allow Jesus to mine out that darkness and replace it with His light. This is no easy feat. It hurts, but beauty is left behind when we allow Jesus full and complete access to our wounds, our walls, our pain. Oh, how I love our God! As mentioned before, I am no expert, and I too, find myself struggling with forgiveness from time to time, but the Lord has taught me much on…
There’s an amazing woman I’ve recently had the pleasure to meet named Sarah Martin. She ministers to twenty-something Christian women through her blog Live It Out and her book Stress Point, and she has so graciously offered to allow me to share a bit of my heart on her blog. Be sure to check it out! And if you’re visiting from Live It Out, welcome!! I hope you’ll take a moment and stay a while. Thank you, Sarah, for your heart, your ministry, and for being the blessing that you are.
Okay…I’ve been taking on too much of an authoritative voice in my blog up to this point. That said, here’s my commitment to alleviate this problem (call it repentance if you will). To lay it all out there, I am someone who has been through the ringer, so to speak, but I have by NO means “arrived.” And I never will (no matter how much I want to) in this life. I fear that I’ve been painting this picture of myself that is simply not true. I am not perfect. In fact, I am far from it. So, who am I? I am a Christ follower who attempts to follow Jesus in all I do and all I say, yet I continually fail. Time and time again, I fail, which frustrates me to no end. But I am oh so thankful for these failures, for it is through them that Jesus…