
Archive for the ‘Waiting’ Category

Posted on: March 6th, 2015 by Laurie Coombs 8 Comments
Hold the faith

All it took was one word! How amazing is that?!? I have to admit. The last few weeks have been a bit crazy here in the Coombs’ household. Good crazy, but crazy nonetheless. I’ve been buried in piles of paperwork, all to bring our little ones home. Now, I know it sounds super cliche, but God truly has done the impossible once again. “Shell-shocked… Speechless… Dumbfounded… Ecstatic… Terrified… These are but a few of the emotions that I have been experiencing these past 48 hours….” my husband Travis wrote after receiving the news. But in order to understand the significance of those words, I must tell more of our story. We began our adoption journey four and a half years ago, full of hope and conviction for what we believed God was calling us to. Travis and I had been blessed with two healthy, absolutely amazing biological children already, but…

Posted on: February 13th, 2015 by Laurie Coombs 6 Comments
Fully Convinced

I held my Bible as I sat with one of my girls on each side of me in bed. “Do you see a pattern?” I asked. They looked at the passage and said, “What pattern?” “Look at what I’ve circled and highlighted.” Almost in unison, they read, “‘And God said…’” Pause. “‘And it was so.’” Fingers ran down the page, “‘And God said,’” they read. “‘And it was so.’” Over and over, their little fingers stopped on each of my markings. “‘And God said… And it was so.’” “Do you see it?” “I think so,” Avery said. “What do you think it means?” “It’s like God says something, and then it happens.” “Yes!” I said, with perhaps a bit too much enthusiasm. “Nothing is too difficult for our God. He speaks, and it is so! Just like He did in the beginning here in Genesis. Isn’t that amazing?” Both girls nodded….

Posted on: March 5th, 2014 by Laurie Coombs 2 Comments
do not give up, when to quit, do not quit, quitting, not what we expected, when things don't go your way, when to call it quits, waiting, wait, trust, trusting God, trials, grace, God's will, god's plan, faith, figuring out God's will, hope, perseverance, calling, when God doesn't move, stand on Rock, shifting sand, adopt, adoption, christian, christian adoption, why adopt, orphan, orphans, fatherless, taking care of the fatherless, true religion, James 1:27, John 14:18, why adopt, orphan stats, orphan statistics, ethiopia, ethiopia adoption, ethiopian adoption, adopt from ethiopia, God, Jesus, Christ, Christian, adoption testimony, be the hands and feet, we are jesus hands and feet,

Have you ever had a moment (or many) when you wonder whether or not God will deliver what you believe He’s promised? I sure have. For the last three and a half years, I have heard God tell me, “Do not give up!” Over and over, “Do not give up! Keep moving forward. Keep moving toward your adoption.” But nothing has happened. We’re still waiting. Travis and I began our adoption with nothing but faith, a desire for more children, and confidence in God’s call to adopt. With no money saved and little to devote to such an endeavor, we took the leap, believing God would provide for what He was calling us to do. And He has. Time and time again, provision has come in one form or another usually at the very hour we needed it. This may be too much information to share, but we’re over $20,000…

Posted on: January 14th, 2014 by Laurie Coombs 2 Comments
walking with God, Me myself and bob, Phil Vischer, faith, faithfulness, God, Jesus, trusting God, yielding, mercy, folly, dream, dreams, following Jesus, following dreams, pursuing dreams, plans, our plans, God's plans, wait, waiting, wait for the Lord, foiled plans, dreams die, surrender, surrender to God,

It’s time for a new beginning. Don’t you think? We all need a new beginning from time to time, and what better time than the present. Now, I know you’ve probably heard quite a few messages on the topic of “New Year’s Resolutions” already, so rest assured, this is not another one. “Resolution” messages, while valuable, are often the same. Evaluate your previous year. See what worked. See what didn’t. Set goals. Plan. Plan. Plan…. But honestly, while these exercises do have some merit, I believe most people, while making these plans, unintentionally fail to factor God into their equation. I just finished reading Me, Myself, and Bob over Christmas. It’s written by Phil Vischer, the founder of Veggie Tales, and let me tell you, it’s a good read. In his book, Phil tells the story of the rise and fall of Veggie Tales, a popular Christian children’s video series. In…

Posted on: October 31st, 2013 by Laurie Coombs 4 Comments
control, God, sovereign, Jesus, Christ, Christian, trials, God loves you, control freak, letting go, letting go of control, surrender, surrendering, surrendering to jesus, surrendering to god, surrender to jesus, surrender to god, there is no god, what if there is no god, trust, trusting, trusting jesus, trusting god, christ followers, following jesus, saying yes to god, anxiety, keep it together, keeping it together, bionic woman, manipulative, prideful, burden, murder, murderer, proverbs 3:5-6, walk by faith,

Early on in my walk with God, my friend, Nicole, sent an encouraging word to me as I wrestled with surrendering myself to God. She said, “How hard it is to surrender it all to [Jesus] and let go of all we hold on to, but how powerful our lives can be when we do just that.” She’s right, I thought. Surrendering myself wholly to Jesus was a difficult transition for me. And when I’m being completely honest with myself, I recognize that I still struggle in this area––though by the grace of God, it’s to a much lesser extent. Before becoming a Christian, I was quite controlling. Everything in my life was controlled by me. I was the one in charge. I was the one who made the decisions. And I, certainly, had a way of getting what I wanted. I mostly used kindness and charm to influence others,…

Posted on: September 24th, 2013 by Laurie Coombs 1 Comment
God, Jesus, Christ, Christian, Christianity, following jesus, follow jesus, God is with us, God with us, follow me, God's whisper, murder, forgiveness, forgiveness testimony, Christian forgiveness, God forgiveness, Jesus forgiveness, be still, be still and know I am God, Psalm 46:10, Trust God, trusting God, trusting Jesus, Wait for the Lord, Wait, Waiting, Waiting on the Lord, Wait Lord, Deuteronomy 31:8, Lord goes before you, do not fear, Isaiah 48:17, Immanuel, Jesus God with us, God with us, Romans 8, Romans 8:31, If God is for us, God is for us, Christine Caine, Matthew 28:20

Of all Jesus taught me throughout my correspondence with Anthony, the man who murdered my dad, the most important, life altering lesson was displayed by His mere presence. Throughout this very difficult season, Jesus showed up. He was there through it all. Never once did I doubt His presence, for it was almost palpable. There were times I heard His gentle whisper beckoning “follow me.” And I would follow. There were times, after receiving another difficult letter from Anthony, I sat in confusion day after day, unsure of how to respond, unsure of God’ leading. Yet all the while, He was still there––His presence very real––urging me to “be still, and know that [He is] God” (Psalm 46:10). “Trust Me. Wait on the Me,” He said. And I would wait. Show me the way, I prayed. Show me how. And He would lead. All throughout Scripture, we see the Lord going before…

Posted on: February 25th, 2013 by Laurie Coombs 2 Comments
1 samuel 1:27, waiting, how to wait, how to wait with patience, how to become more patient, adoption, wait, waiting, ethiopia, ethiopia adoption, agci adoption, agci, all god's children international, agci family, joy, sorrow, waiting is hard, why is it so hard to wait, praying, father to the fatherless, christ, christian, jesus, christ centered adoption, christian adoption, embrace the wait, embracing waiting, acceptance, accepting waiting, god uses our trials, personal growth, closer to jesus, faith, god's perfect timing, god's timing, romans 4:20, romans 4:21, purpose in waiting, why do we have to wait, what's the purpose of waiting, purpose of waiting

 For this child I prayed, and the Lord has granted me my petition that I made to him. – 1 Samuel 1:27 I’ve been writing quite a bit about waiting lately. (If you missed those posts, you can read Imagine What Your Life Could Look Like and Wait for the Lord.) But I have yet to share the most difficult waiting period I’ve experienced up to this point. Over two and a half years ago, Travis and I were called to adopt from Ethiopia. The journey has been rewarding, yet difficult, and it’s not yet over. We continue to wait for our child (or children, if we’re blessed with siblings) to come home. Needless to say, we know what it’s like to wait. Times of wait include many joys and many sorrows, times of encouragement and times of despair, as well as moments of great faith and moments of doubt. There’s no doubt about it:…