
Archive for the ‘Repentance’ Category

Posted on: November 8th, 2012 by Laurie Coombs 17 Comments
forgiveness, christ, christian, following jesus, follow, forgive, Jesus, healing, love, loving your enemy, freedom, murder, letter from murderer, obedience, redeem, redemption, repentance, save a life, sharing your testimony, using your testimony, wholeness, how do i forgive, why forgive, christian forgiveness, christian forgiveness testimony, christian forgiveness story, forgiveness stories,

“Your testimony may have saved a life!” wrote Anthony––the man who murdered my dad––from his prison cell. Holding the letter, I stood in stunned silence, tears rolling down my face. Oh Lord, I thought, as I closed my eyes and dropped my head back, in awe. There really were no words. Thank you, Lord, thank you, was all that I could say in worship to our mighty God. I was called to forgive. To love my enemy. To allow Jesus unhindered access to the pain, the bitterness, and the wounds of my past which took residence in the deepest recess of my soul. I knew that He wanted to take me to a new, better place. A place of healing, peace, and forgiveness. So, I followed. By the grace of God alone, I followed Jesus as He led me down the messy, war-torn path toward wholeness. It was a trial like no…

Posted on: September 18th, 2012 by Laurie Coombs 3 Comments

I have to be honest, when I began this journey, I understood my need to forgive and knew that forgiving would bring me to a new and better place. I wanted to forgive. The thing I did not want to do, however, was love my enemy. I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again. The word “love” in the same sentence as “enemy” didn’t seem to make sense to me. What’s more, the word “love” in reference to Anthony was repulsive. Still, I knew that this is what the bible tells us to do. Jesus says, “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you” (Matthew 5:44). Yet, I didn’t quite understand it. The only insight I had on how to do this was to pray for Anthony and to do what God told me to do, which was to bring him a bible. So, out of obedience,…

Posted on: September 4th, 2012 by Laurie Coombs

Okay…I’ve been taking on too much of an authoritative voice in my blog up to this point. That said, here’s my commitment to alleviate this problem (call it repentance if you will). To lay it all out there, I am someone who has been through the ringer, so to speak, but I have by NO means “arrived.” And I never will (no matter how much I want to) in this life. I fear that I’ve been painting this picture of myself that is simply not true. I am not perfect. In fact, I am far from it. So, who am I? I am a Christ follower who attempts to follow Jesus in all I do and all I say, yet I continually fail. Time and time again, I fail, which frustrates me to no end. But I am oh so thankful for these failures, for it is through them that Jesus…