
I’m Back!

Posted on: August 28th, 2017 by Laurie Coombs 2 Comments


It’s been a while, my friends, and I’m glad to be writing again!

After we brought our little girl home from Uganda over a year ago, I felt Jesus telling me it was time to take a break from writing. I continued to speak as the Lord led and pursue ministry, but for a time, writing was put on hold to make room for the things I was called to in that season. Things like settling into being a mommy of a sweet baby again, pouring myself into my relationships with my husband and my big girls, taking the time to process all I had seen and been through during our adoption and my time in Uganda, pursuing speaking as the Lord led, and starting our new nonprofit–A New Song International, (which I’ll tell you about in my next blog!).

A lot has happened in my life since I last wrote, but I now feel the Lord telling me to write again, though I don’t exactly know what that will look like in this season. And it is my prayer that you will be blessed as I begin to serve you through writing again.

Until next time,



2 Responses

  1. Mark Allman says:

    Glad you are back!