
How We Came to Embrace Waiting

Posted on: February 25th, 2013 by Laurie Coombs 2 Comments

 For this child I prayed, and the Lord has granted me my petition that I made to him. – 1 Samuel 1:27

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I’ve been writing quite a bit about waiting lately. (If you missed those posts, you can read Imagine What Your Life Could Look Like and Wait for the Lord.) But I have yet to share the most difficult waiting period I’ve experienced up to this point.

Over two and a half years ago, Travis and I were called to adopt from Ethiopia. The journey has been rewarding, yet difficult, and it’s not yet over. We continue to wait for our child (or children, if we’re blessed with siblings) to come home.

Needless to say, we know what it’s like to wait. Times of wait include many joys and many sorrows, times of encouragement and times of despair, as well as moments of great faith and moments of doubt.

There’s no doubt about it: waiting is hard.

Every night, for two and a half years, my girls have prayed the same prayer. “Jesus, please bring our baby home soon,” they pray. Our babies are already in our hearts. They are already part of us, knit into the framework of our family by the Master long ago. But still, we must wait.

I’d be lying if I told you I haven’t had my moments of faithlessness. Moments when it all seems futile, like it’ll never happen. But then I’m reminded of the many signs along the way pointing us to adopt, and Jesus renews my perseverance to be still before the Lord and wait.

Embracing the Wait

I think, somewhere along the way, we began to embrace our wait. We see purpose in it. These times are not wasted. Not one moment of our wait will be unused.

No. Just as with all things, God is using our wait for good, to grow us. Waiting has brought us closer to Jesus and has allowed us to experience and understand Him in a new, deeper way. And we’re changing. I see faith and trust growing. I see empathy flourishing in our little girls. I see hearts that once questioned why God hasn’t answered our prayers give way to understand God’s perfect timing.

We have come a long way. And I thank God for giving us this wait. Still, I pray each night as our girls do, “Lord, please, bring our babies home!” Yet, ultimately, I pray for His will to be done, knowing He is faithful and good.

No unbelief made [Abraham] waver concerning the promise of God, but he grew strong in his faith as he gave glory to God, fully convinced that God was able to do what he had promised. – Romans 4:20-21

{Even though waiting is difficult, choose to embrace it. There is purpose in our wait.}

Have you experienced a long wait? Did you embrace your wait? What did you learn while waiting?

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To read more about our adoption journey, visit our adoption blog Love. Half Way Around the World.

By: Ella

By: Ella

2 Responses

  1. Chelsea Maxwell says:

    Great post! I’ve had a lot of waiting time and I still do. After I was diagnosed with Lyme Disease, I had a year of waiting. It wasn’t fun. I was in denial for some time. I was ready to be better. I was not patient, but then I realized, it’s not my timing, it’s His. Once I realized that truth, I embraced the waiting. From this patience, God has shown me so many truths. My relationship with Him has been strengthened so much. I’m still waiting to be in remission, while I’m still waiting to meet my future husband along with many other things. I have grown to use the waiting time as a time for preparation and growth, instead of it going to waste. However, I have to constantly remind myself that it’s His timing, not mine. Praying for your family!

    • That’s a lot of waiting Chelsea! What a blessing it is to see you are focused on the Lord throughout all of it. Keep your eyes on Him!