
Just a Bunch of Dumb Sheep

Posted on: October 5th, 2012 by Laurie Coombs

“Really, we’re all just a bunch of dumb sheep,” I told my sister on the phone yesterday. “We’d like to think that we’re smart, that we can figure it all out on our own, but it’s simply not true. Dumb sheep must stay close to their Shepherd!”

It doesn’t take long when observing sheep to realize they’re not the brightest of creatures. Because of this, they are vulnerable and need a shepherd to guide and protect them. In the bible, we are likened to sheep, and we are told that Jesus is our Shepherd (John 10). Referring to a shepherd, Jesus says,

The sheep hear [the shepherd’s] voice, and he calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. When he has brought out all his own, he goes before them, and the sheep follow him, for they know his voice….

I am the good Shepherd. The good Shepherd lays down His life for the sheep. – John 10:3b-4, 11

As this passage says, a shepherd knows his sheep and calls them by name. What a comforting truth it is that Jesus knows us by name. Individually, intimately––He knows each and every one of His fold. A shepherd goes before his sheep, leading them along the best path. A shepherd, protects his sheep, keeping them from harm and from the ravenous wolves of the world. Jesus is our good Shepherd, as John 10:11 says, protecting us unto death.

When called to have contact with Anthony, I knew that I could not even pretend to embark on this journey without the close guidance of Jesus. We must stay close to our Shepherd. Close enough that we are immediately and keenly aware when we are even one step out of line with His will for us.

We are dumb sheep. We cannot rely upon ourself to know what’s best. In our human frailty, we are sure to make mistakes, we are sure to be deceived by our own flawed feelings, by the deceptions of Satan, and by the enticing lurings of the world. If we do not remain under the staff and rod of our Shepherd’s leading, we are sure to fall.

Our flesh, Satan, and the world are master deceivers, so how are we to ensure that we remain living under the sound teachings of God, believing truth, and don’t fall victim to deception? It is only through staying under the close guidance of Jesus.

Take everything to God in prayer and don’t move until you are certain of God’s will. Jesus prepares our way, but we need discernment––given through prayer, God’s word, Godly council of other biblically sound Christians––to remain on the path He has prepared.

Additionally, don’t rely on your feelings as your guide, as many erroneously do. The bible tells us that, “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick” (Jeremiah 17:9).

But ultimately, again, stay close to the heart of Jesus. Incline your heart toward His, and you will remain in His protective arms.

Jesus tells us that, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly” (John 10:10). Let us follow Him, our good Shepherd, toward the life that He died for us to have––a life centered upon Him where joy and His grace flow.

{Dumb sheep must stay close to their Shepherd!}

Have you ever thought you were at the center of God’s will only to realize that you had been deceived? 

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