
A Bit of Repentance…

Posted on: September 4th, 2012 by Laurie Coombs

Okay…I’ve been taking on too much of an authoritative voice in my blog up to this point. That said, here’s my commitment to alleviate this problem (call it repentance if you will).

To lay it all out there, I am someone who has been through the ringer, so to speak, but I have by NO means “arrived.” And I never will (no matter how much I want to) in this life.

I fear that I’ve been painting this picture of myself that is simply not true. I am not perfect. In fact, I am far from it. So, who am I? I am a Christ follower who attempts to follow Jesus in all I do and all I say, yet I continually fail.

Time and time again, I fail, which frustrates me to no end.

But I am oh so thankful for these failures, for it is through them that Jesus is able to teach me, but most importantly, it is because of them that I must continually rely upon my Lord and Savior. They show me my need. They show me that I cannot, in fact, do this thing called life on my own––no matter how hard I try.

I need Jesus.

I want this blog to be a place for you to come to find refreshment. To find truth. To find love. To find honesty. To find freedom from your past hurts and wounds. To find redemption through Jesus. To find out what it looks like to be an imperfect follower of Christ. But above all, I want this blog to be a place where you are spurred on to grow in your relationship with our amazing God.


So, here’s to transparency. Warts and all…

Stay tuned for my next post on what Biblical forgiveness is.


{It is only through transparency that we will be able to effectively help others.} 


In what ways have you failed to be transparent to those around you? Do you ever find yourself holding up a facade?

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